I'm in the final stages of the model, thanks to Glenn's and Colin's advices I've corrected the model and the results are below. I also added an axe and some items to the Slayer, figured he needed some necessary things in order to do what he does best, to slay people. I did however face a problem in Zbrush, his teeth and the ring in his nose and ears don't appear as they should. The faces are backwards, for some odd reason I can see the back of the faces but not the one on top. For that reason I haven't been able to sculpt any of these, kinda aggravating. Anyhow, some last fine detailing left and I should be starting on the texture very soon.
Here are some more WIP pictures, 2 mill polys in Zbrush. I'm trying to give him a demonic pig looking face, he is pretty strong so some muscle definition sticks out from under the layers of fat.
I'm working on some ideas for characters that would fit into Blizzards new Diablo3. Primary I'm going to work on character and creature design and then maybe some environment. The first creature I had in mind was the Butcher from D1 which later became the Smith in D2. I'm thinking of renaming it to the Slayer. Here is some quick concept sketch and a couple WIP in zbrush.
This is the final sculpture I made for same class. The basic face model was provided to us by the teacher, already unwrapped (thank god!) in 3dsMax. The mesh was then taken into Zbrush for hipoly detailing and texture work using Zapplink in Zbrush combined with Photoshop. Render was made in 3dsMax.
Some Zbrush work that I made for class. The first one is a sculpture of a sculpture from ancient Persia. The base low poly was made in 3dsMax and then polished and textured in Zbrush and finally rendered in Maya.